business Archives - Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC


Small and medium-sized businesses make up the majority of companies in America today. Their work is critical to the economy, but they often lack the means—including the time, resources, and knowledge—to protect it.  If you’re a small business leader, it’s critical not to overlook your business’s intellectual property (IP). Your business needs to protect its […]

Businesses across many sectors are turning to gig workers more and more to help fill in gaps in their workforce and meet other goals. In many ways, this is an ideal arrangement for both employers and gig workers. There are numerous cost-saving benefits for employers as they do not pay for federal or state payroll taxes, workers’ […]

Working remotely, the gig economy, and contract work is increasing exponentially. Companies from many different business sectors are all filling in labor gaps with gig or contract workers. Many of them perform their contracted duties remotely. While this is convenient for both the company and the contractor, it opens the door to many business risks.  One of the most […]

No matter what kind of Colorado business you own, you have valuable information you need to protect whether you realize it or not. Frequently referred to as intellectual property (IP), this information could be anything from customer lists to the secret formula for your cleaning products or anything in between. If another person or party were to […]

Your Colorado business may not be on par with Coca-Cola, Krispy Kreme, or the New York Time’s Best Seller List, but that does not mean you do not have valuable business information to protect. Today, most businesses have the information they need to keep under wraps from client lists and overhead to proprietary software or recipes. Suppose a business owner does not take reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of specific […]

Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC is thrilled to announce that two of its attorneys successfully represented RIM Bio, Inc., in its sale to Avantor, which took place June 1, 2021. Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC Partner Douglas Griess and Ann West, Of Counsel, represented RIM Bio, a medical disposables and bioprocess manufacturing company, […]

Our attorneys at Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC know that Colorado corporate governance sets an organization‘s tone. It identifies the use of power and decision–making in the company. For decades, corporate governance has focused on its shareholders, regulation of its directors and executive team, accounting, tracking operational activities, and other duties.   In 2010, the International Finance Corporation (“IFC“) described corporate governance as the framework and methods used to […]

Man holding a tablet with a data dashboard on it

Your company‘s intellectual property (IP) rights are among its most valuable business assets. When properly obtained, managed, and enforced, they have immense value and protect the company’s commercial power. Every business should periodically conduct an IP audit to ascertain their rights, the extent of protection they are entitled to, and the value of the company’s IP assets. Informed business decisions require an in-depth understanding of the […]

Photo of people at a white board discussing business ideas

You started the new year with a big idea for your company; maybe you even have more than one. You‘re excited to hit the ground running with it. Still, before you do, it‘s time to consider what types of protections your intellectual property might require. Not securing the appropriate protections jeopardizes your big idea‘s value and impact on your […]

Working From Home: Office Policies for 2021

A new year is fast-approaching, bringing new beginnings, fresh starts, and changes. If your business hasn’t updated its employee handbook recently, it’s time to make some changes. While many portions of an employee handbook will fundamentally remain the same, others need updating as time progresses. Cultures change, as do technologies and laws. Your handbook should be […]