Formation Archives - Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC


If you own your business, you’re probably used to doing many projects by yourself. While this can save time and money, not everything should be a DIY endeavor, including contracts. The success and well-being of your company depend upon the strength of its contracts. Since contracts can be very complex and must take into account […]

Thankfully, starting a business has never been easier. However, that doesn’t mean you should skip over a comprehensive conversation about business entity types. Carefully and adequately selecting a business entity that fits your company’s needs will maximize your profitability, protect you from liability, and reduce tax obligations. In addition, determining the correct type of entity for your online business can mean the difference between a successful business venture that endures […]

A Simple LLC Mistake That Creates Nightmares

Limited liability companies (LLC) are deceptively easy to form and use. One of the realities of an LLC is that it is a structure under state law, while it can be taxed many different ways under federal law. This is part of its appeal, and a part of its deceptive complexity. Without some careful planning […]

Working From Home: Office Policies for 2021

A new year is fast-approaching, bringing new beginnings, fresh starts, and changes. If your business hasn’t updated its employee handbook recently, it’s time to make some changes. While many portions of an employee handbook will fundamentally remain the same, others need updating as time progresses. Cultures change, as do technologies and laws. Your handbook should be […]

Four Ways to Protect Your Small Business in Denver During COVID-19

Man Working At A Coffee Shop - Small Business News

Protecting your small business during the COVID-19 pandemic is mandatory for safe and successful operation. The most important thing you can do as a business owner is to be proactive: proactively implement the necessary steps to keep your business, employees and customers healthy. Consult with a  business attorney on the best practices and compliance with […]

You wouldn’t build a house or pursue an advanced degree without having a blueprint and a plan in mind. The same holds true when forming a Colorado business. Generally, knowing what you want to achieve is a great start. However, you need to draft a partnership, operating agreement, or bylaws to start your business properly. […]

Almost anyone starting a business activity considers the formation of some sort of legal business structure such as a limited liability company, a corporation, or a limited partnership.  Generally, the most important reasons for doing so cited by business owners is the limited liability afforded to the owners for activities engaged in by the business […]