Employment Archives - Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC


Colorado FAMLI Act: Common Questions & Answers

 With the recent adoption of the Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Act in January 2024, there have been a lot of questions about who is eligible and what the benefits are, and the benefits from FAMLI as opposed to the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). While every employer is required […]

The Colorado FAMLI Act – What Employers & Employees Need to Know

 Effective January 1, 2024, the full benefits of the Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Act officially became available. (Premium contributions for the plan began January 1, 2023.) Key FAMLI Act Features Covered Colorado workers can receive up to 12 weeks of paid leave per calendar year without the risk of losing their […]

How Severance Agreements Protect and Help Employers

A severance agreement is essentially a contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms and responsibilities for both parties, as well as the potential compensation package that would come into play if an employee loses their job through a layoff or other situation. Typically, severance agreements cover wages, COBRA insurance extended coverage, […]

Colorado Non-Compete Law: Important Changes

In August 2022, significant changes to Colorado’s non-compete and restrictive covenants became effective with the Restrictive Employments Agreement Act. In a nutshell, the new statute made it much more difficult for employers to enforce non-compete agreements unless a worker earns over a certain salary and has true access to trade secrets and could use those […]

Colorado POWR Act: Changes to Workplace Harassment & Other Employment Law

 The Colorado Protecting Opportunities and Workers’ Rights Act (POWR) was signed into law on June 6, 2023 and takes effect on August 7, 2023. The new law makes several important changes to employment and harassment laws by redefining the standard for harassment claims, tightening requirements on non-disclosure agreements, protects marital status and enacts new requirements […]

Colorado SecureSavings: What Employers Need to Know

As of January 1, 2023, Colorado joined a growing list of states requiring employers to sponsor a qualified retirement savings plan or to participate in a state-sponsored program. Known as the Colorado SecureSavings Program, the law requires all private-sector employers with five or more employees to comply. The final deadline for compliance is June 30, […]

Colorado Non-Compete Law Amendment: What Employers Should Know

On August 10, 2022, Colorado House Bill 22-1317 amended the state’s existing non-compete law by tightening restrictions on employers and increasing potential penalties. Essentially, Colorado tightened up its prohibition on the use of non-compete and non-solicitation agreements, by more clearly and narrowly defining the exceptions and creating more liability for employers who violate the statute. […]

Top Colorado Employment Law Updates for 2023

Every new year brings change to Colorado’s employment laws and rules, and 2023 has already brought exciting headlines for minimum wage earners and private employees. Below are four of the biggest 2023 employment law updates that employers need to know about: Minimum Wage Increase Beginning January 1, the state increased the hourly minimum wage by […]

Preventing Wrongful Termination Suits

The decision to fire an employee is not one you should arrive at haphazardly. Termination is an issue that affects every business sooner or later. In every case, it must be handled with the proper care and attention to mitigate the risk of a wrongful termination claim.  Why Litigation Is Something to Avoid  Winning a […]

How to Create a Clear Harassment Policy in Your Workplace

Creating a policy around workplace harassment may not be high on an employer’s to-do list. There may be the temptation to cut and paste a policy from another employer and be done with it. However, this common shortcut can leave your business exposed to serious liability issues in the future. Instead, your harassment policy should […]