News/Resources - Page 4 of 12 - Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC


Colorado Non-Compete Law: Important Changes

In August 2022, significant changes to Colorado’s non-compete and restrictive covenants became effective with the Restrictive Employments Agreement Act. In a nutshell, the new statute made it much more difficult for employers to enforce non-compete agreements unless a worker earns over a certain salary and has true access to trade secrets and could use those […]

Colorado POWR Act: Changes to Workplace Harassment & Other Employment Law

 The Colorado Protecting Opportunities and Workers’ Rights Act (POWR) was signed into law on June 6, 2023 and takes effect on August 7, 2023. The new law makes several important changes to employment and harassment laws by redefining the standard for harassment claims, tightening requirements on non-disclosure agreements, protects marital status and enacts new requirements […]

Colorado SecureSavings: What Employers Need to Know

As of January 1, 2023, Colorado joined a growing list of states requiring employers to sponsor a qualified retirement savings plan or to participate in a state-sponsored program. Known as the Colorado SecureSavings Program, the law requires all private-sector employers with five or more employees to comply. The final deadline for compliance is June 30, […]

Copyrights & Trademarks 101: What is Protected and Where?

The terms “copyright” and “trademark” are thrown around a lot when people talk about intellectual property protections, but many people either get them confused or don’t have a full understanding of what their protections entail. Both are distinct forms of intellectual property protection, and protect very specific, and different, things. In this copyrights & trademarks […]

Helpful Tips: Avoiding Business Email Compromise

As a follow-up to our previous post, Bank Failures: Basic Protections for Consumers and Businesses, we wanted to also make clients aware of a rise in Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams as fraudsters attempt to take advantage of the current climate of uncertainty.  As the dust settles around the most recent bank failure announcements, many […]

Bank Failures: Basic Protections for Consumers and Businesses

The recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023 was one of the largest bank failures in the United States since the 2008 financial crisis. Unsurprisingly, the scale and high visibility of the failure raised wide-spread concerns about the health of other banks, particularly those heavily involved with the technology sector. The Federal Reserve […]

Flying Right: Avoiding Privacy and Legal Violations with Real Estate Drones

There’s no question that drone photography has been a boon to the real estate market, making it more affordable and easier to show the full footprint of a property, as well as highlight any geographical or landscape features that add value to a home, such as waterfront proximity, pools and more. But with the rise […]

Common Causes for Real Estate Litigation and How to Prevent Them

Few real estate transactions are simple and straightforward, but thankfully most are completed at the closing table without any further issue or need for litigation. There are, however, some situations that can lead to legal proceedings. We’ve compiled a quick list of the most common challenges that brokers and sellers should be mindful of and […]

Identity Theft: Protecting Your Business

Businesses are just as susceptible to identity theft as private individuals. According to the Colorado Secretary of State, reports of business identity theft have been on the rise in recent months. But there are steps you can take to safeguard your business and be vigilant against any fraudulent activity.  The best place to start is […]

Colorado Non-Compete Law Amendment: What Employers Should Know

On August 10, 2022, Colorado House Bill 22-1317 amended the state’s existing non-compete law by tightening restrictions on employers and increasing potential penalties. Essentially, Colorado tightened up its prohibition on the use of non-compete and non-solicitation agreements, by more clearly and narrowly defining the exceptions and creating more liability for employers who violate the statute. […]