What is Rebuilding Together?
Rebuilding Together Metro Denver (RTMD) has been providing repair services for homeowners in need throughout the seven-county metro area since 1999. They’ve helped thousands of homeowners in need during this time, including veterans, senior citizens, and those with disabilities who live on minimal income within hundreds of financially-challenged communities.
With timely repairs, RTMD helps prevent disastrous outcomes, which allow homeowners to remain safe and healthy within their own homes. They also make home modifications and repairs to decrease the risk of falls and make homes more energy efficient. Not only does this keep homeowners and their visitors safe, but it can also reduce their energy spending. If their energy bills go down, they have additional money for groceries or other necessities.
Nationally, Rebuilding Together was formed in 1988. Today they have over 140 affiliates working together across the nation to help maintain affordable housing. The results of their overall efforts include:
- 2.5 million volunteers
- 30 million volunteer hours
- Over 100,000 homes and non-profit facilities rehabilitated
- Delivering $1 billion in market value
HSAG’s Aaron Atkinson Serves as Board Chair
HSAG’s own partner, J. Aaron Atkinson, serves as chair of the Board of Directors for the Metro Denver affiliate. Aaron is passionate about his mission with RTMD as he sees the direct impact on Colorado’s citizens in need. He knows that RTMD makes lives happier and healthier through their care and determination. Aaron is also an avid amateur woodworker. When not representing HSAG clients, attending to his RTMD duties, or being covered in sawdust, you’ll find him spending quality time with his wife and three daughters.
Mr. Atkinson and RTMD Executive Director Jodie Liddy recently attended the Rebuilding Together Training Institute in Philadelphia. They described it as a “wonderful time of listening, learning, and laughter.”
Hosted by Rebuilding Together Philadelphia in October 2021, several affiliate leaders were recognized at this event for their outstanding 2021 performance. Rebuilding Together also shared their appreciation to their everyday affiliates, volunteers, and AmeriCorps members across their network who are doing the work to [Re]build neighborhoods and communities. The winners of this year’s the Year awards were recognized at the training institute event and included:
- AmeriCorps Member of the Year: Dani Alonso, Rebuilding Together North Central Florida
- Volunteer of the Year: Erich Sekel, Rebuilding Together Jersey City
- Award of Excellence in Programming: Rebuilding Together Kansas City
- Award of Excellence in Community Engagement: Rebuilding Together El Paso
- Award of Excellence in Overall Leadership: Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada
We couldn’t be prouder to have one of our own serving the Denver metro area in this capacity. Keep up the excellent work, Aaron!